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How to Use Automation in Your Conference Room


A flawlessly run meeting with your clients is crucial for your business’ success and growth, and an impeccable presentation makes all the difference.  So what happens when something goes wrong?  Technology can often feel like it is not your friend.  Cut back the unnecessary worry over whether your presentation will fall flat, and spend that time working to wow your client.  With commercial automation in your conference rooms, your Lafayette, LA business will have thriving and efficient presentations that astound and sell. Read below for how your meetings can make lasting impressions.

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Is It Time to Upgrade Your Home Network?


The modern home is full of devices, and most of them require a connection to Wi-Fi to operate. We are all constantly adding new devices and upgrading our current ones, but have you paid enough attention to your home networking? None of your technologies can fulfill their potential if they are a part of a weak network. If you haven’t recently updated your Lafayette or Carencro, LA network, consider what you may be missing due to lag time. This article highlights a few easy ways to improve your wireless connection. Continue reading to learn more. 

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How Can Smart Home Control Benefit You?


The popularity of smart home control is on the rise. You’ve probably heard about products like smart security systems and motorized shades individually, and these features can have a huge impact on the lives of homeowners and the value of a home. However, when all the technologies work together systematically, each product’s efficiency, ease-of-use, and convenience is multiplied. If you’re a builder, designer or homeowner in the River Ranch neighborhood of Lafayette, LA, it’s time to discover the power of smart home automation. Read on to discover what a smart home means and the most popular features of the technology

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Home Automation Lifestyle

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