Learn how architectural lighting makes your buildings more cost-efficient and energy-efficient
Architectural lighting has three primary purposes. First, it serves to showcase a building’s aesthetic and architectural features. Second, it serves to improve the functionality of the building — it creates a comfortable environment for occupants to work, relax, or play. And third, it serves to use and distribute light in an economically efficient way.
Energy efficiency is a very important consideration for businesses in Lafayette, LA. Energy-efficient technologies like lighting control lower energy costs and reduce overhead spending for building maintenance. Keep reading to learn more about how architectural lighting will help your building or office go green.
SEE ALSO: 3 Applications for Architectural Lighting in Commercial Offices
Energy-efficient lighting starts with thoughtful design. A cohesive, whole-building lighting design ensures that your space has the right number of lighting fixtures and the correct type of lighting to match specific purposes — like accent lighting to highlight artwork in the lobby and task lighting to provide illumination over employee workstations. An organized design also ensures no over-illumination in spaces, a common issue that racks up energy expenditures.