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4 Reasons You Need A Home Networking Upgrade Right Away


A steady online connection is vital if your family is sheltered in place

The COVID-19 outbreak has disrupted our lives in countless ways, from canceled sporting events to closing schools and businesses. It’s important during this time to stay inside as much as possible to avoid contracting the virus or spreading it to vulnerable people, but staying home all day presents its own challenges. You might be working from home, or your children might be taking classes online, and so on.

For all these reasons and more, we strongly recommend you invest in a home networking upgrade for your Lafayette, LA home. Keep reading to see four key reasons why a network upgrade is so  vital right now.

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Working from home means you might be using a remote desktop, running multiple applications at once, hosting or participating in videoconference calls, and other activities that put an intense strain on your network. The last thing you want is to get disconnected in a meeting with your boss or when you’re trying to give a presentation to your team. You need a strong network so you have a solid connection to your team and they have a reliable connection to you. Plus, you’ll be more productive if your connection isn’t dropping out every few minutes because you can’t get a decent Wi-Fi signal.


Your children might be taking classes online for the foreseeable future, which raises many of the same issues with working from home: Videoconference calls, web-based applications, and video tutorials all put a strain on your network. Your children might also be running these same applications while you’re trying to work, which increases network traffic even more. To minimize disruptions for you and your younger family members, you’ll need a router and system design that can handle the added bandwidth.


It’s important to make time for relaxation and fun even when you’re stuck inside. With limited options for entertainment, you and your family will be turning to new activities to unwind: streaming movies and music, online gaming, etc. Some nights you may watch a movie or show together, while other nights everybody might want to do their own thing. If one person wants to watch Netflix, another is gaming online, and someone else is listening to music on Spotify, that’s a lot of network traffic all at once. To keep yourself from going stir crazy in the evenings, beef up your network so your entertainment options aren’t limited.


While social distancing may be a public health necessity right now, it doesn’t come without stress and isolation. Friends and family who live alone and aren’t going to work will find quickly find themselves very lonely at home. To keep their spirits up, give them a call every few days. Let them see your face with Facetime, Skype, or other programs. You can even set up times to stream the same movie or show together while you have a call going, allowing you to talk while you watch. It’s not the same as having the person with you, but they’ll appreciate the gesture.


As you can see, you’ll be relying on your home network more than ever in the days ahead. To get started on your home networking upgrade, call us today at (337) 268-9753 or visit our contact page.

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