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Beware the Dreaded Porch Pirates – Beef Up Your Home Security

Don’t Leave Packages Unprotected on Your Lafayette Front Porch

76% of U.S. consumers shop online, and with the upcoming holidays, online shopping season is upon us! Thanks to easy-to-use services like Amazon Prime, more and more Americans are turning to online shopping and home delivery due to its simplicity. Our lives are hectic and many of us commute to our jobs daily, leaving our Lafayette homes unattended for most of the day.

Because we are often away from home during the day, delivered packages are left exposed on front porches. Unfortunately, thieves have begun taking advantage of the influx of unattended packages left on doorsteps and have acquired the name of Porch Pirates – pirating your packages. You can avoid this situation with home security services from Electronics Professionals.

To help deter potential porch pirates, increase security with the addition of a video doorbell and smart locks. Keep reading to learn more!

SEE ALSO: Make the Holidays Memorable with a Home Audio Video Solution

Video Doorbell

In decades past, the thought of a video doorbell would seem preposterous or in the very least, too high-tech to ever become commonplace for most homeowners. Thankfully that is no longer the case. From Control4’s door stations – featuring video and audio intercom to give you the ability to communicate with anyone at your front door or gate – to Ring video doorbells, there are options available to help you see and hear what’s happening on your property.

When a delivery person rings your doorbell, or even if they only place the package on your doorstep without ringing, you’ll be able to see and hear what’s happening. Just as you’ll be able to see the delivery person, you’ll have a camera operating when motion is detected on your porch. This means that if any porch pirate approaches your front door, you’ll be able to see them, and the video doorbell is often deterrent enough to protect your packages.

Smart Locks

Smart locks can provide peace of mind for you and your family. Not only can you monitor whether or not entry points to your home are locked and secure, but you can authorize delivery people access for in-home delivery with a tap of a button on your smart device.

You can even utilize Amazon Key with several smart lock brands to provide a one-time access code to the delivery person so they may place packages just inside the door of your home. Monitoring the delivery person as they complete this task is also an option with additional surveillance cameras.

If you’d like to keep your packages safe from porch pirates with video surveillance doorbells or smart locks, or if you’re interested in other smart home solutions for your Lafayette, LA home, call us today at (337) 268-9753 or fill out our online contact form to get started. We can’t wait to hear from you!

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